How to Cancel Your Trip
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy:
In the event of trip cancellation for any reason, whether avoidable or unavoidable, please notify us in writing. Cancellation charges will apply from the date we receive your written notice, as follows:
- 30 days prior to arrival: 10% of the room/tour/service cost
- 15 days prior to arrival: 25% of the room/tour/service cost
- 7 days prior to arrival: 50% of the room/tour/service cost
Less than 72 hours or No Show: No Refund
During peak season, a separate cancellation policy will apply (available upon request).
Certain cancellation and refund policies are beyond our control:
Refunds for camp, hotel, or taxi payments will adhere to their respective cancellation policies. If you cancel the trip after it has commenced, refunds will be limited to the amounts we can recover from the camp or hotel owners, contractors, or taxi drivers. We do not assume responsibility for refunds related to unused accommodations, missed meals, etc.
Cancellation Policy for Travel Insurance:
Our cancellation and refund policies do not apply to travel insurance; these will follow the cancellation and refund policy set by the Insurance Company.
Law & Jurisdiction:
All complaints, claims, or disputes of any nature related to the products offered by L K Taxi in Jaisalmer will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.